“Anyone can do theater, even actors. And theater can be done everywhere. Even in a theater. ”

what is forum theater?
Forum Theater is an approach to addressing pressing group issues through the interactive use of improvisation acting in a setting where the audience also becomes an acting part of the proposed scenes. Moderated by a Facilitator whose goal is to promote Neutral Curiosity throughout the forum, scenes are proposed then played and then discussed to address the theme brought forth.
Using preestablished scenes illustrating a conflict within a given theme, audience members are invited to observe and interpret what happened between the actors on stage to spark a discussion. Once that occurs, a volunteer audience member goes up to replace one of the actors on the stage and to take on the role of the initial actor. Why? To propose a different plan of attack in the given circumstance of the scene and to defend a new point of view. The Audience member-turned-actor, after doing the scene, is asked about how the scene went and usually comments on the difficulty of imposing change. This in turn sparks more discussion between the the new actor and the audience. Many rounds can happen for one scene.
How is this good for business?
The use of this tool is simple: to widen the scope of any conflict situation through empathetic conversation, active listening and role playing. There is no right or wrong way to approach the scenes or the theme; the point of the exercise is to be aware that there may not be a right way of doing things but that there are options available.